
Management Council

Customer Council




Maryland Correctional Enterprises is governed by Correctional Services Article § 3-501 through 3-528 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

Management Council

The MCE Management council, in accordance with Senate Bill 174, will consist of 15 staff members and an Executive Director that meets at least quarterly.

Membership of the MCE Management Council will consist of: the MCE Chief Executive Officer, the Commissioner of Correction, a representative of the State Comptroller, a member of the House of Delegates, a member of the Senate, a representative of the University System of Maryland, a representative of the State Department of Education, a representative of the Department of Labor, a representative of the Governor's Office of Crime Control, two representatives of organized labor, a judge, two representatives of the business community, and one representative of a non-profit organization.

The Management Council will assume the following duties:

  • Review the operation of programs to determine any negative impact on workers in the State including wage depression or job displacement.
  • Review the working conditions of workforce participants.
  • Recommend changes as necessary to meet business plan goals and objectives.
  • Solicit ideas, proposals, and suggestions from business representatives, non-profit organizations, government entities, and members of the public on ideas to enhance the work experiences and skills of workforce participants in order to obtain gainful employment after release.
  • Review and recommend opportunities with private sector employers to expand the Prison Industries Enhancement (PIE) Program.
  • Review and identify ways to improve the business practices including sales, marketing, inventory, warehousing, and product line operations.
  • Monitor customer satisfaction with price, quality, delivery, and after delivery service.
  • Review and comment on the operating and capital budgets along with cash forecasts.

Management Council Membership Roster:

Justin Hayes, Maryland Comptroller 
Phil Morgan, Department of Public Safey and Correctional Services
Delegate Mark Chang, Member of House of Delegates
Senator Alonzo Washington, Member of the Senate
Krishnada Tallur, Department of Education
Carly Seidman, Governor's Office of  Crime Control and Prevention
Judge Lisa Broten, Judicial, District Court of  Maryland
Tom Hickey, University System of Maryland
Thomas Myers, Organized Labor (Public Sector)
Judge Lisa Broten, Judge
Jack Weber, Business Community
Melvin Forbes, Business Community
Janay Harris, Vehicles for Change
Stephen Sanders, Maryland Correctional Enterprises

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Customer Council

The MCE Customer Council, in accordance with Senate Bill 174, meets quarterly and consists of the following 11 members: the MCE Chief Executive Officer; and representatives of the Department of Budget and Management, Business and Economic Development, General Services, Health and Mental Hygiene, Human Resources, and Transportation; the Maryland Higher Education Commission, and three customers.

The Customer Council will assume the following duties:

  • Review products and services.
  • Advise on operational issues concerning quality, style, design, delivery and pricing.
  • Recommend new products and services.
  • Review annual sales catalog.
  • Review company business plan.
  • Discuss and advise any issues relating to products and services.
  • Recommend sales/marketing and customer satisfaction initiatives.

Customer Council Membership Roster:

Vacant, Montgomery College
Katherine Thomson, Dept. of Budget and Management
Brenda Lee, Dept. of Commerce
Vacant, Morgan State University
Cristen Ervin, Maryland Department of General Services  
Calvin Johnson, Maryland Department of Health
Curtis Murray, Department of Human Services
Valerie Radomsky, Department of Transportation
Daniel Schuster, MD Higher Education Commission
Stephen Sanders, Maryland Correctional Enterprises



Maryland Correctional Enterprises’ quoted prices are in compliance with preference law and regulation reference Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 21.11.05 and (COMAR) b Prices are subject to change with approval from the Department of General Services.

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MCE Catalog

The FY25 Products and Services catalog is now live! We can't wait to share some new quality products along with our useful services.

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